What is the waiting period for Tyre and Rim Insurance?

Tyre and Rim Insurance from Bidvest Insurance has a waiting period of 30 days from 2nd Premium collected. During this waiting period, you will not be able to submit a claim for your Tyre and Rim Insurance policy. This waiting period is implemented to prevent people from applying for coverage when they know they will need to file a claim soon.

While your Tyre and Rim Insurance policy will be active from your first successful premium payment, when you first join there is a 30-day waiting period before you can claim.

What is a waiting period?

A waiting period is defined as the amount of time that must pass before coverage will begin to take effect. During this period, you will not be able to submit a claim for your Tyre and Rim Insurance. A waiting period is used to prevent people from applying for coverage when they know they will need to file a claim soon. The length of a waiting period can vary per insurance policy. Waiting periods are not standardised across insurers. You should always check what the waiting period is before purchasing any policy.

Is there a waiting period with Tyre and Rim Insurance?

Yes. Tyre and Rim Insurance from Bidvest Insurance has a waiting period of 30 days from 2nd Premium collected. During this waiting period, you will not be able to submit a claim for your Tyre and Rim Insurance policy.

Get Tyre and Rim Insurance

Every time you get behind the wheel of your car, even if you’re being extra cautious, you risk damaging your car’s tyres and rims. Potholes, debris, cracks in the road and other road hazards present great danger to your tyres and rims. Your tyres and rims are at risk of damage no matter how careful you drive.

Fortunately, with Tyre and Rim Insurance from Bidvest Insurance, you can easily prevent unforeseen and costly replacement and repair bills. Sign up for Tyre and Rim Insurance with Bidvest Insurance.

Cover for you and for your car.

Bidvest Insurance offers a wide range of insurance products to meet both your personal and vehicular needs.

  • Legal Angel
  • Scratch and Dent
  • Tyre Angel
  • Theftbuster Plus
  • Warranty

Simply complete your details so a Bidvest Insurance consultant can call you back to assist you.

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