Top fuel-saving tips for everyday driving

As fuel prices continue to climb, South African motorists face increasing pressure on their wallets. Every trip to the petrol station just keeps getting more and more expensive. With no end in sight, every drop of fuel saved can make a significant difference on your wallet.

By adopting some of these top fuel saving tips, you can reduce your fuel costs to help reduce your monthly fuel budget.

Maintain optimal tyre pressure

Keeping your tyres at the correct pressure is one of the easiest ways to save money on fuel. When your tyres are flat, your car has to work harder, burning through more fuel than necessary. You can ask your friendly petrol attendant at your local petrol station to check your tyre pressure for free while you fill up. You can find your car’s optimal tyre pressure on the inside of your driver’s side door. As part of taking top-tier care of your tyres, consider Tyre and Rim Insurance too. Tyre and Rim Insurance helps you protect your budget when the inevitable happens as you travel along South Africa’s roads.

Person in Black Long Sleeve Shirt Holding Black Metal Bar Near Black Tire

Use your AC wisely

How you use your car’s aircon can make a big difference in your fuel consumption. With hot summers in Gauteng and the humid coastal regions like Durban, it’s crucial to manage your AC wisely. Using your AC too much can guzzle fuel faster than you realise. To save on petrol, try to keep the AC on lower settings when you’re using it. Parking in shaded spots also helps keep your car cooler before you hit the road, reducing the need for immediate AC use. 

Avoid rapid acceleration

Smooth driving isn’t just about comfort, it’s also a key strategy for saving fuel. Driving aggressively, like flooring the accelerator, increases fuel consumption. The harder you accelerate, the more fuel you use. In the city, you can use less fuel by easing onto the accelerator pedal gently. To be as fuel-efficient as possible, take 5 seconds to accelerate your vehicle up to 20 kilometres per hour from a stop. Imagine an open cup of coffee on the dashboard. Don’t spill it!

Maintain a steady speed

When your speed dips and bursts, you use more fuel, and spend more money than you need to. Tests have shown that varying your speed up and down between 75 and 85 km per hour every 18 seconds can increase your fuel use by 20%.

Avoid high speeds

Keep to the speed limit and save on fuel! Most cars, vans, and SUVs are most fuel efficient when they’re travelling between 50 and 80 km per hour. Above this speed zone, vehicles use increasingly more fuel the faster they go. For example, at 120 km per hour, a vehicle use a high fuel consumption, about 20% more fuel than at 100 km per

Regular servicing at the correct intervals

Regular servicing ensures that your engine runs smoothly and efficiently, reducing the amount of fuel needed for each journey. Follow your manufacturer’s recommended service intervals to address issues early and prevent costly repairs down the road. By investing in regular maintenance, you not only work towards improving fuel efficiency, but also extend the life of your vehicle.

Common fuel-saving myths

As you work on getting more out of your fuel, you’ll hear plenty of tips. It’s important to clear up some common myths that might steer you wrong:

Keeping windows down instead of using AC saves more fuel

Open windows can increase aerodynamic drag, which can reduce fuel efficiency. Using your AC sparingly and wisely can be more fuel-efficient.

Coasting downhill in neutral saves fuel

Coasting downhill in neutral or shutting off your engine does not save fuel. Modern vehicles are designed to use minimal fuel during deceleration. Coasting in gear allows you to maintain control and safety systems.

Filling up with petrol in the morning saves you money

Filling up in the morning when it’s cold does not give you more fuel for your money. Fuel temperature remains stable underground, and any expansion from temperature occurs after fuel is pumped into your vehicle. The time of day when you fill up doesn’t affect the amount of fuel you receive.

With fuel prices on the rise, every bit of savings helps lighten the load on your wallet. These simple fuel-saving tips can make a real difference in your monthly budget. Don’t forget to bust those common myths that could lead you astray. Stay informed, and use our tips so you can save money at the pump.

Top Fuel-Saving Tips for Everyday Driving

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