The real value of Tyre and Rim Insurance

Being a driver in South Africa comes with its unique set of challenges. Our roads keep even the most calm drivers on the edge of their seats. One moment you’re driving on a freshly tarred road, the next moment you’ll be swerving down a road riddled with potholes. Just like you can’t always avoid a pothole, you also can’t avoid the repair bills that come along. Unless, of course, you have a Tyre and Rim Insurance policy from Bidvest Insurance.

What does Tyre and Rim Insurance cover?

You’re curious because your best friend told you about us. Yes, we paid out their claim of over R6,000 for two brand new. Why? Because they hit a pothole on their way to work that ruined two of their tyres. Without our Tyre and Rim Cover, replacing the tyres would have been a financial burden. Luckily for your friend, they had our Tyre and Rim Cover.

Our Tyre and Rim Insurance is designed to keep you covered for unexpected damage to your wheels caused by road hazards on South African roads. You’ve seen all the potholes, glass and other junk in the road. It’s only a matter of time before you drive over something that’s going to damage your tyres, too. If something were to damage your tyres, it would require immediate attention, as you can’t drive without tyres. This leaves you facing down repairs bills that need to be paid so you can drive your car.

Tyre and Rim Insurance gives your wallet a break, giving you cover for unexpected, but inevitable situations. You’re covered for:

  • Tyre damage: You’re covered for irreparable damage to your tyres. Policy limits apply.
  • Multiple cover options: You can choose from multiple cover options, depending on the value of your tyres. You can also claim for two tyres per incident, with cover for up to R4,000 per tyre. 
  • Wheel balancing and alignment: After 12 months, we pay for the balancing and alignment of your wheels. This is regardless of whether you have claimed or not. 
  • Tyre maintenance inspection: After 6 months, we pay for a Tyre Maintenance Inspection to assess your tyres.
  • Unlimited puncture repairs: You enjoy the benefits of having unlimited puncture repairs.
  • Rim cover: Should your rims also have damage, we pay up to R750 towards the repair or replacement.

An image of a mechanic putting air in a car's tyres

Types of damage you’re covered for

Our Tyre and Rim Insurance is tailored to cover a variety of damage types, ensuring you’re not left out of pocket when the inevitable happens. Here are some common types of damage that South African drivers often encounter:

Pothole damage

Potholes are the most common cause of tyre damage in South Africa. You’re cruising along, enjoying your day, and then BAM! You hit a pothole. Now you’re dealing with a flat tyre. No matter what speed you’re going, hitting a pothole can result in serious damage. Punctures, tears, blowouts and cracked rims are some of the things you can expect after connecting with a pothole.

Road debris

No matter where you are in South Africa, road debris can easily turn your smooth drive into a stressful situation. Sharp objects like glass on the road can easily puncture your tyres. Debris from old accidents, or nails and other sharp objects from all the roadworks, are bound to find themselves under your tyres. Not to mention costly damage that road debris can cause on your fresh mags.

Car driving over a pothole

Tyre and Rim Insurance vs Comprehensive Coverage

When comparing Tyre and Rim Insurance to traditional comprehensive coverage, it’s clear that each serves a unique purpose. Comprehensive Insurance offers broad protection, covering incidents like theft, fire, and major accidents. Comprehensive Insurance, however, often falls short when it comes to minor damage, like tyre damage.

Your Comprehensive Insurance is not designed for minor damage, with most excess fees starting from around R5,000. For minor damage, your excess might be larger than the repair cost itself, which means you end up paying out of pocket.

Your comprehensive policy does not cover tyre punctures, tears, or blowouts caused by everyday road hazards. Tyre and Rim Insurance, on the other hand, is designed to address these specific issues, ensuring you’re not left out of pocket for common damages that can occur while driving. If you’re looking for something to compliment your existing Comprehensive Insurance, Tyre and Rim Insurance is the solution you’re looking for.

With the conditions of South African roads, Tyre and Rim Insurance is a must-have for any vehicle owner. Investing in Tyre and Rim Insurance from Bidvest Insurance means your wallet doesn’t have to hit the same pothole your car did. Get cover for common and costly tyre and rim damage.

The Real Value of Tyre and Rim Insurance

Cover for you and for your car.

Bidvest Insurance offers a wide range of insurance products to meet both your personal and vehicular needs.

  • Legal Angel
  • Scratch and Dent
  • Tyre Angel
  • Theftbuster Plus
  • Warranty

Simply complete your details so a Bidvest Insurance consultant can call you back to assist you.

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