Come rain or shine: Protecting your vehicle from hail damage

Have you ever been caught in a sudden hailstorm, watching helplessly as your car gets battered by hailstones? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. It’s happened to many of us, and we’re here to help you protect your vehicle from scratches and dents, including hail damage.

Understanding hail damage in South Africa

Hail storms are common in some parts of South Africa, particularly in regions like Gauteng and the Free State during the summer months. Hailstones can get as large as 50 mm in size, with some hailstorms lasting up to 15 minutes. These might not sound like big numbers, but it only takes one hailstone to chip your windscreen or leave a dent on your car. In just 15 minutes, you could incur thousands of Rands’ worth of damage.

Here’s what hailstones can do to your car:

  • Dents: Hailstones can cause dents on your car’s roof, bonnet, and boot. Hailstone dents make your car look ugly and can lower your car’s resale value.
  • Scratches: When hail hits the surface of your car at high speed, it can cause scratches, particularly if there is dirt or debris on your car’s surface. The scratches expose the metal underneath, making your car more susceptible to rust and long-term damage.
  • Chipped or cracked windscreens: Hailstones often hit windscreens with enough force to chip or crack the glass. Even small chips can expand over time, potentially leading to a full windscreen replacement if not fixed quickly.
  • Broken side mirrors and lights: Side mirrors and lights are particularly vulnerable during hailstorms. Hail can easily chip or crack your car’s mirrors and lights.

Hail stones on the floor next to a car

How to protect your car from hail damage

Hailstorms are no joke, and the last thing you need is your sleek ride getting an unwanted “hailstone makeover” – nature’s version of car detailing! Here are some simple tips on how to protect your car from hail damage:

When in doubt, park undercover

Whether you’re at home, work or at the shopping mall, always try and park undercover. If you’re at home, be sure to always park your car in your garage or carport. Even if you’re just at the shops for 20 minutes buying some groceries, it may be worth paying that extra R10 for undercover parking. When serious storms blow through, the best way to protect your car from hail damage is an undercover parking area.

Avoid parking under trees

Don’t park under trees. Falling branches can cause even more damage than hailstones. Leaves and debris from trees can collect on your vehicle, potentially leading to scratches and other cosmetic issues.

Keep an eye on the weather

If the weather’s not looking too great, check your weather app before leaving the house. If hail is predicted, your weather app will likely indicate this. Your weather app can be a valuable tool when it comes to protecting your car from hail damage.

Invest in a high quality car cover

Can’t park undercover? Investing in a high-quality, padded hail car cover is one of the best defences against hail damage. Hail car covers are specifically designed to absorb the impact of hailstones, protecting your car’s exterior from dents, scratches, and chipped windows. Look for water-resistant covers that give your car multiple layers of protection.

A car with a car cover to protect it

DIY solutions

Hailstorms are often unpredictable. You may not have the necessary time to get your car to a safe place. Here are some quick, DIY alternatives that can give your car some basic protection:

  • Heavy blankets: Drape multiple heavy blankets over your vehicle, ensuring they cover all exposed areas. If you can, secure them with some rope to keep them from blowing away.
  • Floor mats: If you’ve got limited options, your car’s floor mats could protect your car! Place floor mats over the most vulnerable areas of your vehicle, such as the bonnet, roof and windscreens.
  • Cardboard boxes: If you’ve really got no other option, you could flatten cardboard boxes and place them over the car’s surface. You can stack them for increased protection. If you can, tie or tape down the boxes to keep them in place.

Explore Bidvest Insurance’s Scratch and Dent hail cover benefit

When rain starts to unexpectedly pour and the sky hurls ice rocks at your precious car, you’ll need a plan to fix that. Plan A is Scratch and Dent Insurance from Bidvest Insurance. A Scratch and Dent policy from Bidvest Insurance has many benefits. One of them being up to R2500 cover for damage caused by hail. This includes scratches, dents and windscreen chips on your car.

Say no to scratches and dents!

Scratches and dents make a car look ugly. They hurt your wallet, and make your car look neglected. Scratch and Dent cover makes sure your car is always in tip top shape. While that dent may seem small, it still has the potential to cause extensive damage to the paint job of your car.

Your Bidvest Insurance Scratch and Dent policy aims to help with events like hail storms or somebody accidentally bumps your car with their car door. With our Scratch and Dent policy, you can cover new or used vehicles on a month-to-month basis, and the best part is that there’s no excess to pay when you submit a claim. 

Don’t wait for the next storm to hit.  Explore how Bidvest Insurance’s Scratch and Dent Cover can protect your wallet today. Complete the form for a quote and ensure your car keeps its showroom shine!

Bidvest Insurance Scratch and Dent - Come rain or shine

Cover for you and for your car.

Bidvest Insurance offers a wide range of insurance products to meet both your personal and vehicular needs.

  • Legal Angel
  • Scratch and Dent
  • Tyre Angel
  • Theftbuster Plus
  • Warranty

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